Specific Research Areas for M.Phil, M.Phil/Ph.D and Ph.D
The nematology research programme includes work on the molecular taxonomy, biology, pathogenicity, population dynamics, control of plant parasitic nematodes, use of marine nematodes as pollution indicators, entomopathogenic nematodes, the beneficial nematodes in the biological control of insect pests of agriculturally important crops as biopesticides and their mass production, use of free-living soil nematodes as bio fertilizers and more importantly the human nematology which is going to be established soon. Short and long term training programmes in Nematology are also arranged for researchers, students, extension workers and farmers of the country.
- M.Phil, M.Phil (leading to Ph. D.), Ph. D..
- Training Certificate Program
M.Phil.: Sixteen years of education in Biological Sciences
Ph.D.: Eighteen years of education in Biological Sciences (The CGPA for submission of Ph.D thesis should not below 3.0.)