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Director: Dr. Uzma Shujaat
The Area Study Centre for Europe was established at the University of Karachi in the year 1974 by an Act of Parliament (ASC Act No. XLV, 1975) alongwith five other Area Study Centres in major state sector universities of Pakistan. The Centre undertakes research at M.S/Ph.D level. The research findings of the Centre’s own research staff are published in the form of books, monographs and profiles. The Centre also publishes the bi-annual Journal of European Studies, with articles on contemporary European issues and related topics. The Centre is now focusing its research on the European Union, its politics, law, competition policy, economics and external relations. European Security, Common Foreign and Security Policy, Europe–Pakistan relations, Europe and the Muslim World and Europe’s relations with the developing world are also amongst the subjects of research and teaching at the Centre. Since one of the aims of establishing the Area Study Centres was to provide feedback to policy makers in the country, the Centre also receives research proposals and assignments from the Foreign Office and other institutions of the Government of Pakistan. The Centre offers courses in French, German, Italian and English languages at the certificate level and diploma in the French language.
Location and Surroundings
The Centre is located a little remotely from the hustle and bustle of the faculties, near the I.B.A. Staff Town and H.E.J. Institute of Chemistry. It has its own building with a serene atmosphere, ideal for research and academic pursuits.
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