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Director: Prof. Saleem Memon
The principal aim of the Chair was to initiate research on different aspects of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai’s life and poetry, and publish books and periodicals regularly to facilitate the students and general public to understand his philosophy. In order to spread his message of peace, love and brotherhood among the people of Sindh, Pakistan and the world, it was decided that the Chair would organize extension lectures, seminars and conferences at local, national and international levels.
The Advisory Committee
The working of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Chair is monitored by an Advisory Committee especially constituted for this purpose, for a tenure of four years. All appointments are made and important decisions are taken on the recommendations of the committee, the syndicate being the final authority.
Following are the members of the advisory Committee.
1. The Vice Chancellor, University of Karachi.
2. The Dean Faculty of Arts, University of Karachi.
3. Chairman, Sindhi Department, University of Karachi.
4. Director, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Chair, University of Karachi.
5. The Registrar, University of Karachi.
6. Two experts appointed by the Vice Chancellor.