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Chairman: Dr. Naeem Ahmed (Assoc. Prof.)

International Relations is the oldest Department in the field of International Relations in Pakistan. It was established in 1958. Prior to its formation, the Department was under General History Department and Professor Dr. Mahmud Hussain was its founding Chairman. Dr. Muhammad Ahsen Chaudhry succeeded Dr. Mahmud Hussain as the Chairman of the Department.

Since its inception, the Department of International Relations has been active in organizing seminars, conferences and workshops. A number of books have also been published under the Department and several Research Projects funded by foreign foundations are presently being run by its faculty members. The syllabus of the Department was revised in 1998 and new courses focusing on the conceptual and regional studies have been offered.


Teaching and Assessment

Teaching for all degree programs is offered on semester basis.  Student assessment during the semester consists of mid-term tests, assignments and a terminal exam at the end of every semester.


Career Opportunities

Students graduating from the Department can be found in various sectors. Traditionally, students of the Department have been recruited to the bureaucracy, both provincial and federal. A popular option these days is recruitment in the electronic media where there is a huge demand for IR graduates focusing on current events.


Departmental website