M.A. (Economics)
- Download details of M.A. (Economics) here
- All material pertaining to the degree is available at the University book shop.
- The examination for degree of Masters of Arts shall be taken in two parts; (1) Previous examination and (2) (Final) Examination, each for One year’s duration. Students passing the B.A. Honors (Three years course) Examination will be eligible to take the M.A. Final Examination after on year’s study without being required to pass the M.A. Previous Examination.
- The Previous Examination shall consist of five papers, paper I_IV are compulsory and one optional from paper V. Each paper shall be of 100 marks and of 3 hour’s duration.
- The M.A. Final Examination shall comprise five papers, paper I, II, III and V are compulsory and one optional from paper IV. Each paper shall be of 100 marks and of 3 hours duration.